Commonwealth Business School We deliver customised, in-company, in-ministry, in-project Action Learning, capacity building programmes

Action Learning

  • Our programmes focus on learning to take effective action to improve the performance of single organisations and their staff.
  • CBS focuses on solving real problems in public and private sector organisations through project driven, workplace learning with an emphasis on developing the implementation capability and the management of change by ministers, civil servants and company directors in the developing world.


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CBS programmes are all done part-time in modules minimising the time participants are away from their workplace. They focus on putting an action learning 'envelope' around the client's strategy and implementation plans, operational productivity and people performance particularly in civil services, infrastructure and private sector organisations worldwide.

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Public Sector Excellence

Leadership & Organisational Transformation

CBS faculty have been chief officers in major public sector organisations and have conducted action learning programmes in the civil services of the UK, Malawi, Botswana, Ghana, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. These action learning leadership and organisational development programmes are now aimed at top managers and politicians.

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CBS faculty have worked on projects in the developing world as project directors and engineers. Their experience suggests the need is to improve the cost, quality and delivery of projects and to develop local staff. Our programmes recognise the importance of infrastructure to a nation's wealth-creating capacity. Our programmes begin at the top with ministers defining and implementing the infrastructure strategy with their chief directors.

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Private Sector

Leadership & Organisational

CBS faculty have been directors of companies which have contributed to the private sector becoming the engine of growth in economies. This is our aim in developing economies.

Our view is that leadership can be LEARNT within a specific organisational context designed to create challenges which force people out of their comfort zones into an environment where they're encouraged to learn from their mistakes and successes and where their behaviour and values are challenged.

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Vocational Education

Countries recognise the huge skills gap at all levels from craft up to senior management. Our approach is to use our IN-PROJECT methods to close these gaps by creating action learning training academies within specific projects. Our 66 in-company programmes have developed participants' technical and managerial skills which have led to diploma and masters qualifications. Through our collaborative agreement with City and Guilds we now feature the development of craftsmen and technicians.

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  •   Commonwealth Business School,
          Dr C R Kinder
          Long Grove House
          Longbottom Lane
          Seer Green, Bucks, HP9 2UL
          United Kingdom
  •   +44 (0) 1494 67 59 21

About CBS

The CBS is committed to contributing to solving a global problem; the discrepancy between ideas and action. Knowledge and strategies are necessary but the critical problems of organisations are caused by the lack of implementation capability, by the lack of competence and commitment of 'leaders' at all levels to take action to deliver output based on their strategic intent.

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